Magician and Speaker

As the first female magician from Saudi Arabia, my journey to learning the art of magic and performing on front of people was challenging, when I lived in Arabia women had to follow a strict dress code, we weren't allowed to perform on stage, and there was stigma around the art of magic in general even for male magicians.
Things are changing rapidly in Saudi Arabia, and I hope for one day where the art of magic gets recognized as an art form there.
For the past 11 years, I've been learning, performing, and creating magic.
I am currently the president of the Silicon Vally Society of American Magicians, a local no profit organization for magicians, after joining the board members for 5 years.
I was the second place winner of a Virtual Magic competition from the International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 216 in 2021, and
the 1st place winner in the close-up magic competition in 2018 from the same club.
I moved to San Francisco Bay Area in 2014, and got the chance to learn magic directly from the greatest magicians alive today, and others whom we lost during the past years, and I count them among my personal idols and mentors.
In 2013 I gathered all the Arab magicians in a FB group where we can help and support one another, I have connected some members with Arabs Got Talent, did free consultations to help them with their acts, many of them created their own local clubs and got to meet in person.
Like many of you magic had filled me with excitement and wonder since I was a child.
Over the years that excitement grew into a passion for the art of performing magic, or what some might call an obsession! Many years of my life have been devoted to studying, practicing, and perfecting my art so that I can share the feeling, the wonder, and awe from experiencing live and virtual magic with others just like I experienced as a child.
For booking send me an email, Contact@MeriamMagic.com
Sunnyvale, California, USA